The world's first Bigdata report on the level of business capability of Korean employees (#2-job title)
January 4, 2017
Jaiwoo Shim
(President of SB Consulting & Creator of Inselllab Business Capability Assessment Solution)
We quantitatively diagnosed and analyzed Bigdata of the business ability of Korean employees during 6 months.
This is the world's first public release of the amazing results from the "Inselllab Business Capability Assessment Project".
In this report, we have divided and analyzed 60 business specific types of six business types of Korean employees, and obtained various results and statistical data. It is a report full of implications and insights.
Among the hundreds of participants who participated in the assessment of business ability, there were 6 ability Assessment types (Workforce & project execution ability / communication & persuasion ability / creativity & collaboration ability / leadership & Coaching ability / problem solving & meeting facilitation ability / Strategic Thinking Ability)
The data are analyzed based on the data of the individuals who took the top 20 and the results are analyzed. In the 2nd ~ 6th reports, data and statistical results analyzed by level, department, industry, grade and experience period.
No. 1 - The world's first report on the level of business capability of Korean employees (#1-individual)
No. 2 - The world's first report on the level of business capability of Korean employees (#2-job title)
No. 3 - The world's first report on the level of business capability of Korean employees (#3-department)
No. 4 - The world's first report on the level of business capability of Korean employees (#4-industry)
No. 5 - The world's first report on the level of business capability of Korean employees (#5-ranking)
No. 6 - The world's first report on the level of business capability of Korean employees (#6-job experience)
The contents is as follows.
[A. Results of the INSELLLAB Business Capability Assessment Project]
1. Average ranking by job title
2. Average score distribution for each of job title and assessment type
3. Based on assessment type, average score distribution by job title
4. Changes in the distribution of averages for each job title of competence assessment
5. Average by job title and assessment type
6. Based on assessment type, average by job title
7. Based on assessment type, average by job job title & score by 10 detail items
8. Based on assessment type, average box graph by job title
[B. Customized training and coaching method through Inselllab Assessment]
[C. Conclusion]
[A. Results of the INSELLLAB Business Capability Assessment Project]
What are the talents that companies want?
This is different for each company depending on the business industry they are pursuing and the business model.
So what kind of talent do the first-class companies want?
Top-tier corporations want their employees to work in a voluntary, positive attitude and action. They do not want his/her supervisor to do it, but they want to be a professional who expects to do it voluntarily. In general, the most of company wants employee be a specialist, a generalist and both. They must have a significant level of business capability.
The ability to persuasively communicate your own opinions and ideas to people is also important. It is important to communicate openly with various people, to ask questions, listen to them, and logically. It is also important to have flexible and creative perspectives and open minds to look at various issues related to work or problem. It also calls for creative thinking and multi-view problem-solving skills.
As companies become more global, they often face a variety of global issues or chance. Therefore, problem solving should be systematically and globally viewed and solved through collaboration with various people. Presentations are very important for leading companies, including multinational corporations. Therefore, your own differentiated and persuasive presentation competence is the best weapon to inform and express yourself.
The capability to integrate these diverse talent and extract the most important capabilities is the following six capabilities addressed in the Inselllab Business Capability Assessment Solution.
1. Workforce & projects Execution Ability
2. Communication & persuasion Ability
3. Creativity & Collaboration Ability
4. Leadership & Coaching Ability
5. Problem solving & Meeting Facilitation Ability
6. Strategic thinking Ability
In this report, we analyzed the data of 50 applicants who participated in all six capability assessment.
The applicants' job title was six.
1. Staff
2. Assistant Manager
3. Department Manager
4. Deputy General Manager
5. General(Team) Manager
6. Director
According to the results analyzed by job title, the average score of the General(Team) Manager was the highest, followed by the Director, Deputy General Manager, Assistant Manager, Staff, and Department Manager. The Department Manager had the lowest average score.
In the “leadership and coaching ability” and the “strategic thinking ability”, the General(Team) Manager has the highest score, and in the "problem solving & meeting facilitation ability", "communication & persuasion ability" and "creativity & collaboration ability" Director has the highest score.
The highest ranked job title in the six assessment fields were as follows.
Assessment Type |
Job Title |
Leadership & Coaching Ability |
General(Team) Manager |
Problem solving & Meeting Facilitation Ability |
Director |
Communication & persuasion Ability |
Director |
Workforce & projects Execution Ability |
Deputy General Manager |
Strategic thinking Ability |
General(Team) Manager |
Creativity & Collaboration Ability |
Director |
1. Average ranking by Job Title
Table 1 below shows the average score was the highest among the six positions, with General(Team) Manager having the highest score of 55, Director with 53, the deputy with 51, Deputy General Manager and Deputy General Manager with 48 and Department Manager with 47.The difference between the average score of the manager with the highest average score (manager) and the lowest score was 8 points.
The reason why the average of the manager (team leader) is 2 points higher than the officer is the fact that it is the most active position in the business practice and the work place directing the head directly.
It is a surprising result that the average score of Department Manager is one point lower than that of Staff.
In conclusion, business performance is not proportional to job title.
2. Average Score by Job Title and Assessment Type
Table 2 below shows the accumulation of average scores recorded in each of the six assessment types based on each job title.
It can be seen that the highest average General(Team) Manager did not rank first in all six types.
3. Average score by assessment type and job title
Table 3 below shows the average score distribution for each of the six assessment types.
You can also see the highest average of the six types,
The average score ranking was as follows.
1. Creativity & Collaboration Ability
2. Problem solving & Meeting Facilitation Ability
3. Workforce & projects Execution Ability
4. Communication & Persuasion Ability
5. Leadership & Coaching Ability
6. Strategic thinking ability
The Korean employees have a high level of "creativity & collaboration ability" and "problem solving & meeting facilitation ability", and relatively low level of "leadership & coaching ability" and "strategic thinking ability".
4. Trends in Average Scores of the Job Title
Table 4 shows the graphs of the trends in the average scores of the six assessment types for each job title. Most of the six job title have similar variation patterns.
From the left to the right of the graph, there are "Leadership & coaching ability", "Problem solving & meeting facilitation ability", "Communication & persuasion ability", “Workforce & project execution ability”, “Strategic Thinking Ability “ and “Creativity & collaboration ability. The score in the circle indicates the average score recorded in each assessment type.
This shows that most employees, regardless of job title, have similar levels of competency.
5. Average by job title and assessment type
Table 5 shows the distribution of the average scores for the six assessment types based on six job title.
By analyzing the graph, you can easily identify the strengths and weaknesses of each job title
Job Title |
Strength |
Weakness |
General(Team) Manager |
Creativity & Collaboration Ability |
Strategic thinking Ability |
Director |
Problem solving & Meeting Facilitation Ability |
Strategic thinking Ability |
Deputy General Manager |
Creativity & Collaboration Ability |
Strategic thinking Ability |
Assistant Manager |
Creativity & Collaboration Ability |
Strategic thinking Ability |
Staff |
Problem solving & Meeting Facilitation Ability |
Leadership & Coaching Ability |
Department Manager |
Creativity & Collaboration Ability |
Strategic thinking Ability |
In terms of strength and weakness, competencies are relatively similar to each other according to job title.
The most vulnerable type is "strategic thinking ability", which shows that many employees are vulnerable to understanding, developing and using strategies.
6. The average score change of the job title in 6 Ability Assessment Types
Table 6 shows the distribution of scores for each rank in the field of assessments, which allows you to identify the relative position and level of your job title.
“Leadership & coaching ability” is the largest deviation among the job titles, and “communication and persuasion ability” and “creativity & collaboration ability” are the lowest deviation.
Table 7 shows the classification of Table 6 so that the ranking of each job title in the assessment types can be easily identified.
7. The average score change of the job title in 6 Ability Assessment Types (Detail)
Table 8 shows the scores obtained for each job title after detailing the 10 subdivisions in the assessment types, and it is possible to confirm the relative level and the relative position by comparing how the scores are different in the detailed items of the six assessment types for each job title.
The graph below shows the most vulnerable in two sub-types: the score of "Task Management and Commitment Capability" which is the detailed type of the "Workforce & Project Execution Capability", and "Strategic Environmental Analysis Capability" which is the detailed type of "Strategic Thinking Capability" Ability" are the lowest.
This implies that employers are most vulnerable to both methods and practices of how to analyze strategic environments essential for managing and engaging and strategic thinking to execute tasks and projects.
The results of the above graph were analyzed and the following conclusions were obtained regarding the strengths and weaknesses of each job title
Job Title |
Strength (Detail) |
Weakness (Detail) |
Director |
l Creative thinking l Ability to develop ideas l Ability to find problems l Ability to develop business ideas l Ability to understand strategies l Ability to think creatively |
l Business performance management for productivity improvement l Ability to conduct meetings l Ability to use contextual questions l Ability to execute tasks l Strategic Environmental Analysis Capability l Ability to develop creative ideas |
General(Team) Manager |
l Creative thinking l Ability to meet meeting goals l Dialogue initiative l Business question ability l Strategic development ability l Ability to think creatively |
l Business performance management for productivity improvement l Ability to guide meeting results l Ability to resist resistance l Ability to execute tasks l Strategic Environmental Analysis Capability l Creative communication skills |
Deputy General Manager |
l Provide feedback to promote employee growth l Ability to resolve conflicts among participants l Ability to find problems l Business question ability l Ability to understand strategies l Creative conflict resolution ability |
l Business performance management for productivity improvement l Ability to conduct meetings l Partner awareness l Communication & listening ability l Strategic Environmental Analysis Capability l Ability to act intelligently |
Department Manager |
l Effective troubleshooting l Ability to meet meeting goals l Ability to find problems l Ability to create and report documents l Ability to utilize strategy l Creative thinking ability |
l Future ICT trend reading l Ability to guide meeting results l Sympathy. Listening ability l Ability to execute tasks l Strategic Environmental Analysis Capability l Creative executive ability |
Assistant Manager |
l Provide feedback to promote employee growth l Problem solving skills l Ability to find problems l Business question ability l Ability to understand strategies l Creative Questioning Ability |
l Motivation and delegation based on desire l Communication. Listening ability l Sympathy. Listening ability l Business management and commitment l Strategic Environmental Analysis Capability l Creative communication skills |
Staff |
l Creative thinking l Ability to meet meeting goals l Ability to find problems l Ability to resolve business conflict l Ability to understand strategies l Creative Questioning Ability |
l Motivation and delegation based on desire l Ability to guide meeting results l Ability to use contextual questions l Business management and commitment l Strategic Environmental Analysis Capability l Creative problem solving ability |
8. Box Plot of Average Distribution by Job Title
Table 9 shows a box plot of the distribution of averages for each job titles in each of the six assessment types.. Inside the middle box means 50% of the total data (second quartile), and if the horizon, called beard, is far from the box, it means that the data is spread widely.
Analysis of the table below shows that the "Creativity & Collaboration Ability" is the highest and the "Problem solving & Meeting Facilitation Ability" is also excellent, but the "Strategic Thinking Ability" is the lowest.
The most widespread data appeared in the "Leadership & coaching ability". The fact that it is spread widely means that there is a big difference in the ability between the job title and the difference of the assessment averages.
The lowest spreading assessments type shows "communication & persuasion ability" and "creativity & collaboration ability".
If you refer to the results of your job title in this graph, you will be able to see your level of competence by checking your position relative to your job title.
In the case of training for companies, curriculum of the same job title is provided for the people of the same level. However, the strengths and weaknesses are different depending on the individual. Ignoring differences and unilaterally conducting uniformed training should be improved.
1. Operate as a customized training method for trainingal effectiveness
We have analyzed the strengths and weaknesses of the six assessment types in terms of job title, and these results are not limited to comparing the rankings and levels of each job title, but can be utilized as a training and coaching guideline.
It is possible to identify the weaknesses of each job title and construct trainingal curriculum based on this, or to select individuals who are vulnerable or weak in the detailed types, and conduct customized training or coaching.
The following table lists the weaknesses classified by the above types,
For example, in the case of Director, the following six are weak points, so it is effective to organize a curriculum around them and conduct training or coaching.
Work performance management for productivity improvement
Ability to conduct meetings
Ability to use question by context
Ability to execute tasks
Strategic environmental analysis capability
Ability to develop creative ideas
In the case of employees, the curriculum can be run around the following topics.
Ability to use question by context
Business management and commitment
Strategic environmental analysis capability
Ability to solve creative problems
Job Title |
Weakness (Detail) |
Director |
l Business performance management for productivity improvement l Ability to conduct meetings l Ability to use contextual questions l Ability to execute tasks l Strategic Environmental Analysis Capability l Ability to develop creative ideas |
General(Team) Manager |
l Business performance management for productivity improvement l Ability to guide meeting results l Ability to resist resistance l Ability to execute tasks l Strategic Environmental Analysis Capability l Creative communication skills |
Deputy General Manager |
l Business performance management for productivity improvement l Ability to conduct meetings l Partner awareness l Communication & listening ability l Strategic Environmental Analysis Capability l Ability to act intelligently |
Department Manager |
l Future ICT trend reading l Ability to guide meeting results l Sympathy. Listening ability l Ability to execute tasks l Strategic Environmental Analysis Capability l Creative executive ability |
Assistant Manager |
l Motivation and delegation based on desire l Communication. Listening ability l Sympathy. Listening ability l Business management and commitment l Strategic Environmental Analysis Capability l Creative communication skills |
Staff |
l Motivation and delegation based on desire l Ability to guide meeting results l Ability to use contextual questions l Business management and commitment l Strategic Environmental Analysis Capability l Creative problem solving ability |
2. Increase individual achievement and participation level by pre-training and post-training.
Prior to the training, the participants were able to diagnose the relevant training-related capabilities in advance, conduct post-training surveillance, and compare them numerically to compare individual and total achievement or development.
Through this, the management and training department of recall can numerically check the effectiveness through training and systematically manage it, and the participants can visualize and utilize the developed field and level through training.
Participants' participation and involvement in training is also noticeably changing when training is conducted using pre- and post-assessment.
Table 12 below shows the comparative analysis before and after the training that was diagnosed for the customers who conducted the "problem solving and meeting facilitation" training. The effect obtained through the training was the average score from the lowest 10% to the highest 50%.
Clients of the Inselllab Business Capability Assessment Solution view and manage their courses as if they fail to pass the course if their employees do not achieve a certain level of achievement, and their attitudes toward training are significantly different from those of previous years.
3. Inselllab Capability Assessment Solution is changing the way people are recruiting and fostering their companies
InSellLab Business Ability Assessment can be used at a company for the following purposes.
1. It shows the average values and the distribution chart about the 10~15 types of the total Business Ability level, and this can be used as Reports tools for training and talent management in a strategic and systematic way for CEO, Directors, and Managers.
2. It can be uses as data to negotiate salary or it can evaluate in-house employee’s Business Ability.
3. You can check the development and training effect by comparing the Business Ability Assessment scores from before and after the training. (It can raise the participation and concentration of all participants)
4. It classifies the employees by Business Ability levels (total rank, instead of overall training by job title), and it can maximize training effect and by making and executing training curriculums of the proper level and contents.
5. A certain period can be checked quarterly or regularly to compare and check Ability performance of a person.
6. An employee with the highest Business Ability is selected to be used as a high-performer role model. They can be operated as taking care of the VVIP customers to raise profits and Business performance.
7. When a company recruits an employee (such as Business marketing, call center, customer/technical center, manager/leader level), it can be used as a comparison data to prove the level of Business Ability in a job interview.
8. It digitizes an individual’s Business Ability level and received official verification from an expert to grasp the Business Ability level through relative comparisons.
[C. Conclusion]
So far, we have analyzed the assessment data of applicants who participated in the ability assessment through the "Inselllab Business Capability Assessment Project" and analyzed them in various ways for the six job title (Staff - Deputy General Manager - Assistant Manager - Department Manager - Deputy General Manager - General(Team) Manager – Director). It is explained the statistics graph and explained the implications and implications of this.
According to the analysis results, the average score was the highest among the six positions, with General(Team) Manager having the highest score of 55, Director with 53, the deputy with 51, Deputy General Manager and Deputy General Manager with 48 and Department Manager with 47.
The difference the average score between General(Team) Manager and Department Manager was 8 points.
The reason why the average of the manager (team leader) is 2 points higher than the officer is the fact that it is the most active position in the business practice and the work place directing the head directly.
It is a surprising result that the average score of Department Manager is one point lower than that of Staff.
In conclusion, business performance is not proportional to job title.
In the second analysis report, the data of the assessment results will be analyzed based on the job title, and the ranking and relation between the job title will be analyzed. In the analysis, all 6 positions were classified as Staff - Deputy General Manager - Assistant Manager - Department Manager - Deputy General Manager - General(Team) Manager – Director.
The results of the analysis will show which job title is the best and which job title is the lowest, and the results of analysis on the strengths and weaknesses of the six competency fields are also disclosed.
The scores of "creativity & collaboration ability" and "problem solving & meeting facilitation ability" were high in all job title, and scores of "leadership & coaching ability" and "strategic thinking ability" were low.
In terms of strength and weakness, competencies are relatively similar to each other according to job title.
The most vulnerable type is "strategic thinking ability", which shows that many employees are vulnerable to understanding strategies and developing and using strategies.
Even those who have not taken the Inselllab Business Capability Assessment solution, everybody directly will find this report very interesting because their level of business ability is different from other job title in terms of level and location, and strengths and weaknesses It will also give the implications and insight.
In the third analysis report, the data of the assessment will be analyzed based on the department, and the ranking and relation between the departments will be analyzed. All the departments used in the analysis were divided into 14 departments.
In particular, the results of detailed analysis of strengths and weaknesses in the six types of competence are revealed.
Individuals or teams who are interested in diagnosing INSELLLAP Business Capability Assessment should contact "".
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