비쥬얼 씽킹 & 스토리텔링

Visual thinking & storytelling 비쥬얼 씽킹 & 스토리텔링(English)

심재우-에스비컨설팅 2015. 3. 5. 00:23















  • 1. TM & 1 with MannequinMan
  • 2. MannequinMan TM Contents Head - Competency Think for Learning Heart – Philosophy Think for Finding Body – Health Act for Learning & Finding Think & Act for Creative & Collaboration 2
  • 3. Talking vs. Collaboration only having conversation when meeting other people can give stability, sense of closeness, and sense of belonging. However, it is lame and volatile by just having a conversation. So, refrain. Conversation, discussion, and collaboration with other people are developmental and productive, which also gives creative result. Thus, both parties can win-win to create useful values. It is important to collaborate. Collaboration Talking • Membership • Rapport • Connection • Collaboration • Outcome • Result Talk Discussion Work 3
  • 4. Knowledge and skill are different dimensions. Knowledge is to understand and know something while skill is to execute and do something in action. Break out of knowledge’s trap quickly and move to skills Knowledge vs. Skill Read a Book Understand the Theory No Action Just Think Get the Knowledge Exercise, alone Apply at Work as a Team Skill Champion (Expert) Action! Just Do It! 4
  • 5. Curiosity Observation Question Talent of creative children who are gifted Words and actions of adults and parents Question Ask various questions that stimulate curiosity Observe and encourage targets with interest. Advise the target to have interest in the surroundings Talent + ‘Why?’ = Creative All children have innate creative challenge. However, it is only just a small sprout. Water, nutrients, and sunlight must be given. Many questions that are asked by parents or adults to the children; ‘Why?’ Questions often asked in daily life saves the creativity of children with infinite possibility Children who are grow to be creative and full of confidence due to adults and/or parents 5
  • 6. The most of People High Competition Early Retire A few People No Competition No Retire Red Ocean Blue Ocean • Sad • Sick • Regret • Pain Big Pavement vs. Small Lane Most people select the wide and wrapped roads. It is because the road looks smooth and stable. Also, it is because the surrounding people select that road. However, they usually give up in the middle and drop out. Following the road accordingly to another person’s choice is reaching for the life of someone else rather than your own. The road that is narrow and rough where no one else goes is the road that matches your aptitude and talent. First, you may hesitate about instability and uncertainty, but that road must be selected with courage and confidence. Trust in your talent and choice • Happiness • Achievement • Freedom • Joy 6
  • 7. Relationship vs. Isolation People usually make relationship because of the fear of being alone, but a person’s life becomes meaningless when only making relationships. Make a relationship with your own rather than a relationship with others. Then, you will be able to find the hiding creativity that makes meaning and value inside conversation and questioning with yourself Plugging Read posting Unplugging Relation Oriented Life Isolation Oriented Life UNPRODUCTIVE CREATIVITY reply View photos Thinking Walking Asking 7
  • 8. Comfort seems safe. The world keeps changing. The safety zone now becomes insecure zone in the future. If you want safety zone even in the future, get out of the safety zone now and explore the roads you have never gone through before Comfort vs. Awkward My Boundary Routine Cycle Well Known Friends Comfort Nothing New No Stimulation No Change Breakthrough Boundary Expanding Cycle Connect Strangers Awkward New Idea Growth Change 8
  • 9. Expert + Question = Creative Creative + Diversity = Collaboration Everyone wants to become a creative person, but it is hard to find people who get what they want. This is because they do not know where and how to start. Having interest in surroundings and observing is the start to creativity. Mix and ferment various sauces to this. This is called collaboration. Curiosity Observation Discovery Discovery Repetition Experience Application Experience Flow Expert Consistence Expert Diversity Creative Inclusion Creative People Collaboration Question 9
  • 10. I can do He(She) can do You can do I can do He(She) can do You can do A B Connect & Work with Alien Do not work with someone who is similar to your own. The range of being able to do something becomes narrow. Work with someone who has completely different aspect and experience. Then, the range of being able to do something becomes infinite. Birds of a feather flock together – It is the greatest hindrance of creativity. Associate with different kinds – It is a milestone of creativity Time A B Creative 10
  • 11. Creativity cannot be maximized just by listening and interest, but new elements must be added. This is known as question. Asking question to the opposing party is challenging to the opinion and thoughts stated by the opposing party. Challenge in this situation is not resistance and opposition, but it is a stimulation to think in different directions and aspects. 11 3
  • 12. 12 People misunderstand. Fermented idea is not like how kimchi naturally becomes ripen when buried for a certain time! Ripening of kimchi does not happen because of the time, but it is because the lactobacillus inside the kimchi seasoning becomes active to promote ripening. Just like that, idea needs the same role as lactobacillus. Thoughts can be fermented when combined, flipped, and conflicted. A ! 4