
맘스퀘스천 소개 동영상(영어)

심재우-에스비컨설팅 2020. 11. 6. 15:40

맘스퀘스천 소개 동영상(영어)






We have developed 15 creative question for brain and creativity development. 


As a creative question model, it was registered and certified in the Marquise Who’s Who World Biographical Dictionary. 


Creative geniuses Da Vinci, Einstein, Edison, and Steve Jobs were all masters of using questions. 


Playing cards and board games with questioning skills that increase intelligence quotient, emotional quotient, Social quotient and Question quotient.


If you and your children learn questions, they can become creative geniuses that overcome Artificial Intelligence.


The 15 creative question models activate all areas of the brain, including the frontal lobe, amygdala, and hippocampus. 


From elementary school students to 100 years old, you can enjoy the  Question Quotient Challenge with 13 games with your family and friends. 


It is also helpful in preventing dementia in grandparents. 


You can play alone on the train or on the bus to develop your creative brain. 


When you use the Crequession Mobile app together, your creativity   questioning ability and writing skills will increase twice as fast. 


When reading discussions alone or in groups, use the discussion pattern card and discussion question card. 

Reading and writing skills will also increase quickly. 


Crequession is the world's first creative question expert, edu-tech company that innovates brain development and creativity. 


Crequession sells creativity. 


We cook your creativity and knowledge production deliciously. 


Crequession, a questioning chef that makes people more creative.