다국적 기업정보/그외 다국적기업

한국바스프(주) → Marketing Manager for Oil & Refinery bus 모집

심재우-에스비컨설팅 2008. 7. 25. 09:09
한국바스프(주) → Marketing Manager for Oil & Refinery bus 모집
채용직종 마케팅/마케팅기획
모집기간 2008-07-31
경력 신입/경력 근무형태 정규직
학력 무관 근무지역 기타

Main Tasks

Development of technical marketing strategy
---Contribution and development of regional technical marketing strategy for [OIL & REFINERY]
---Development of the effective technical marketing strategy for sales and marketing of
--``--[OIL & REFINERY] business

Technical service / Product application and development
---Provide technical guidance of [OIL & REFINERY] products for product application to
---Develop processes and procedures in technical aspects to ensure successful introduction.

Support for sales forecasting and planning
---Maintain up-to-date awareness of industry trends, technical development,
--``--marketing activities and industry intelligence of [OIL & REFINERY] products.

Business development and Customer management
---Visit and establish professional relationships with large volume customers and other potential
--``--customers of large sales prospects.
---To keep networking with related industry e.g. Automotive & Refinery industry
---To keep networking with government offices, association and institute to update regulations,
--``--major technology trends including legal issues.

Market intelligence
---Direct and lead the establishment of a database and the processes to update and
--``--evaluate market trends, intelligence on competitors.


Bachelor degree or above of Chemistry related
Chemistry or chemical engineering background preferred
More than 5 years experience in related industry required
Experience in technical marketing in related industry preferred
Good command of English


An attractive salary and fringe benefits will be provided to the successful candidates.
---Please send a resume, a letter of self-introduction to HR team only by e-mail via
---recruit-kr@basf.com no later than 4 Aug., 2008. All applications will be treated in strict
접수방법 [이메일]
알짜배기 공채보고 바로 바로 지원하고! 리크루트에서 간편하게 입사 지원하세요~
- 본 공고는 구직자들의 취업활동을 위해 리크루트에서 수집한 정보입니다.
- 본 공고는 채용회사의 사정에 따라 변경될 수 있으며, 리크루트의 동의 없이는 재배포가 불가능합니다.
전화번호 :
팩스번호 :
홈페이지 : http://www.basf-korea.co.kr/
주     소 :
출처 : 리크루트